Kitchen Extension Update- Part 1.

We have progress! It’s been a wee while since the extension work started, and I had hoped to have an update before now… but there really hasn’t been too much to update. See my first post here. One of the downsides to starting an extension in winter is the weather. It’s not that it has been cold, nor has it snowed, it just hasn’t stopped bloody raining. The run up to Christmas was particularly wet, which meant that not a lot could be done outside. The builders have managed the odd days where they could, which has meant that we have moved on… just not as far as everyone would have liked.

Although a little messy, the whole extension demolition/build process, so far, hasn’t been much of an inconvenience. If you can detach yourself from the dust, that is. Which it seems we can. 

The mini kitchenette that the builder kindly created for us has actually been easier to use than our old kitchen. Since I left you last, we have had a divider put up, cutting the original dining room in two, sealing the kitchenette off from the carnage at the back of the house. We can both navigate the space provided without bumping into each other and thanks to a halogen oven and a two-ring hotplate, we even managed to cook Christmas dinner! The surroundings may not have been ideal, with wind whistling around our ankles, but it didn’t manage to crush our festive spirit. Keep your eye on the prize at all times. 

dining room partition.
demolition begins

Outside, the garden had been dropped down 3’ to provide a firm base for the extension footings, which was bizarre to see from the old dining room door. We basically had 3’ of lovely topsoil removed, to get to solid ground… some of which we have retained to build raised borders (in the distant future!)  The footings have been poured, blockwork built up to damp-course level, soil pipe laid, insulation in and reinforced concrete sub-floor poured. This is pretty much where we were, up until the new year. Happy New Year by the way!

aerial view of ground work
Foundations being dug
drop from the old bathroom door
extension foundations being dug
extension footings are in

The builders returned on the 6th January. By the end of the day, we were here…

extension knock through

The following week, here…

extension pre-frame

We are starting to get to the exciting stage now, as discussions gear towards windows and interior finishes. We have found the French doors that we want and are waiting to hear back about prices. Keep your fingers crossed that we don’t have to sell our organs to pay for them.

I have to say, we are absolutely delighted with ‘the Calums’ and how they are keeping us in the loop with progress. Their team has been brilliant too. I think this has been a major factor in our ‘easy’ live-in extension build; considerate tradesmen. Honestly, they’re gold.

Our next update should be a good one, as the framework gets started on Monday. Eek!

6 thoughts on “Kitchen Extension Update- Part 1.”

  1. Exciting times! Well done on cooking Christmas dinner in your temporary kitchen and coping with the dust. It drives me mad, but it is always worth it in the end.
    Looking forward to the next update from you. Good luck with it all!

  2. Super fascinating seeing how different a stone home gets remodeled! Would certainly solve my termite problem not have so much wood. Cannot wait to see what comes next!

  3. Been there! We moved out into our motorhome when work started 10 years ago on November 9th on our kitchen extension! Anticipated we would move back at Xmas. Footings (8 foot down – we live near a river) flooded and fell in 4 times. ‘ The rain it raineth everyday!’ Until it snowed. Moved back in the following Easter. Worth all the aggro. Good to know that you have considerate builders – we did too and they are still friends.

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